Free Exhaust Fan Seals For Victorian Households under VEU program


Covering the exhaust fan with fan seals can help to keep the cool air inside during summers and stop it from escaping during winters. During summers, it is important to keep the outside temperature as cool as possible to avoid too much heatstroke.  Similarly in winter, it is important to cover the exhaust fan vents […]

Free LED lights for Victorian Businesses


Upgrade your business to LEDs today Are you running your business within the premises of Victoria? If yes, then congratulations! You can take advantage of the Victorian Government’s free LED lights upgrade program under its (VEU) scheme. To help you understand how this all works, let’s start by giving you a brief history of this […]

Free LED Lighting Upgrade for Homes in Victoria


What is the Free LED light replacement initiative by the Government of Victoria? Are you a resident or a business owner in Victoria? If yes, you can claim your free LED lighting upgrade for your home under the government’s VEU program.   The Victorian Government is providing free LED light replacement opportunities to both Victorian residents […]